Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Exciting times!!

I should probably get on top of this - with as much as is going on in my life, I don't think I take enough time to reflect on what I'm doing, nor do I take the time to express my opinions.

And lord do I have opinions.

Like right now, the polls are open for the Beach Legacy Referendum and I'm horribly torn. My personal opinion is that the referendum could allow us to utilize our Instruction Related Activities fees for Instruction Related Activities (which are deeply affected here in the CotA). On the other hand, it's more money coming from our students. The question is what will the actual end result be? We did get the parking structure up sooner than anticipated and it has been such a huge relief on campus. Strong athletic programs and modern facilities do yield high incomes for Universities, not to mention notoriety. With so much at stake, I couldn't imagine that ASI and the students themselves wouldn't demand timely results. But I question how much IRA's will really come back to the rest of us. I can't help but feel like my department always gets the short end of the stick. The arts are important too. We are in school for an education, just as everyone else is. In fact, we've chosen a difficult, competitive path that started even before we started college.

But I digress.

The arts, generally speaking, are underfunded. So how much of the IRA's would really come back to us if the BLR passes? Like I said. Torn.

Meanwhile, in other parts of my life, I went to OC's Largest Mixer today and had a great time with my coworkers! Good times and for anyone who stopped by the Local Splash table, thanks so much!!

SAI is incredible. I love my sisters and I'm so excited to spend time getting to know the new MIT's!! I've gained a lot great perspective from working so closely with a group of girls, especially about myself and my relationship with my real sister.
-I'm an ideas person. I have great ideas and I think creatively to develop solutions or simply to continue and maintain development.
-When we get upset with people we care about or with people involved with the things we care about, it is primarily because we have expectations of them that are not met. This could mean that we may have to sometimes swallow our pride to compromise or hear one another's criticism. This could also mean that we need to relax our egos and allow other people to do what they need to do, even though we may think we can do it better ourselves. This could also mean that perhaps instead of getting upset, we should ask not why someone is messing up but what we could do to make this work better. It is a great circle that takes humility and love - the cycle wouldn't exist without love, so naturally it is humility that takes the most work.
-It's okay to say no.

Speaking of saying no, my last Wind Symphony concert is technically tonight at 8 pm! I'm a little sad, but my life is taking such amazing turns and I'm so grateful for the opportunities that I have. I mean, I have a great job that is understanding of my incredibly strange (but stabilizing) schedule which is more than many can say right now. I'm involved with some incredible organizations who do so much for the school and the campus and I get to see first hand the difference that we make. My parents are incredibly loving, understanding and supportive and I'm lucky to come home to such a warm welcome every night (not to mention my sweet little dogs). So really, life is great and though I won't be performing for a while, I love music and it's always going to be a part of my life. In fact, I think this means that I'll be playing a lot more piano. :)

So anyway, my dogs are asleep (like out cold, babies don't sleep this well status) and I should be too. Night, all!


P.S. I'm running for Senator of the College of the Arts at CSULB!!! Please vote for me and Phillip Bustamante! He's a great leader and he's served the COTA with our best interests in mind - I hope you'll allow me to join him in doing so. :)
P.P.S. Follow me on Twitter: ResaMichelle <3